Our action teams are board-lead and member-composed committees responsible for the planning and execution of our programming, member recruitment and retention. The goal is to connect our members to the industries, discussions, ideas and people that create the fabric of Columbia. We also want to give our members the opportunity to develop themselves personally and professionally outside of their 9am-5pm specialties. Each team has deliverables to produce and goals to work towards. In order to successfully execute our programs and grow our network, the action teams must be dedicated to planning, promotions, development and volunteerism.
Membership is the lifeblood of any organization. Our Membership Action Team is the catalyst for keeping our membership thriving and also lending an ear to discover what our members want. This team represents the voice of our members that actively seek to connect more people to COR and provide our current members with the tools and benefits they need to succeed. Membership coordinates and executes Activate (public mixers that serve as membership drives) and COR Connections (member-only mixers) once each quarter.
The overall goal of Table For Six is to facilitate themed networking dinners that connect professionals from across the Midlands within one focus area. From marketing and branding to local politics to nonprofit executives, we cover a myriad of topics throughout the year. Each table is hosted by a seasoned executive who is making change in Columbia. Attendees can request to sit with specific leaders when purchasing a ticket. Whether you’re coming out to learn about a new industry, looking for a mentor or just want to get to know our members and other community leaders, the best place to start is a COR TF6.
The Talent Retention Action Team develops and oversees COR’s owned and operated initiatives focused on connecting individuals to our region and retaining them. This action team manages Crash Course Columbia and is working in partnership with MBLG to develop a retention program for summer interns in Columbia (launching 2021). This includes programming and event planning, corresponding with program participants, and more.
COR promotes volunteer opportunities for members to give back to our community. Organizations request COR’s volunteer support through our website. Requests are reviewed by the Volunteer Action Team. Each approved opportunity is posted on COR’s blog, social channels and The Buzz. In addition to promoting opportunities, COR partners with organizations to fulfill volunteer needs for events such as the World Beer Festival.
The COR Communications Action Team will create an integrated communication plan to distribute curated content on multiple platforms such as social media, press releases, email newsletters, weekly recordings of The Buzz, COR’s blog and website. COR collects information about both internal and local events, member profiles, and community opportunities to share with our members and how they can get involved. The goal of the Communications Action Team is to create a consistent aesthetic and share a unified message across all communications platforms.
The Development Action Team works to cultivate B2B relationships with local businesses, business and civic leaders, philanthropic donors and other interested investors. The action team seeks financial and in-kind sponsorships for COR’s events and other projects as needed. The Development Action Team works with the appropriate action team(s) or board member(s) to develop sponsorship collateral that can be used to seek these donations.
Led by the board treasurer, the Finance Action Team regularly reviews COR’s financial position, and all related income and expenses. This committee also serves as a guide on all legal matters. This action team meets quarterly unless more frequent meetings are required for specific efforts.